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No, timed spaces may be used only once in each parking lot in a 4-hour period. If you need to park in excess of the posted time, you must purchase a parking pass.

Please visit to pay or dispute a ticket.

Parking permits must be clearly displayed on your driver’s side dashboard or hanging from your rearview mirror. You can visit to view pictures of the ticket you received.

Please visit to pay or dispute a ticket.

Parking tickets must be paid within 21 days of the issuance or within 14 days of the mailing of a notice of delinquent parking violation. Failure to pay before 21 days will lead to an increase in the fine by 50% and failure to pay within 30 days will increase additionally by 25%. After 30 days, your vehicle registration will be held by the DMV.

Parking tickets must be paid within 21 days of the issuance or within 14 days of the mailing of a notice of delinquent parking violation. Failure to pay before 21 days will lead to an increase in the fine by 50% and failure to pay within 30 days will increase additionally by 25%. After the 30 days your vehicle registration will be held by the DMV.

You can call 707-664-4321 to speak or set up a time to meet with a parking representative.

For large vehicles, we ask you to park in one of our larger parking lots, Lot F or Lots L,M,N or O. You would need to purchase a permit for each space you are utilizing.

Even if a parking machine isn’t working, a permit is still required. You can purchase a permit at another parking pay station, at the Parking Information Booth, or ahead of time on the Parking Management Bureau website.

General permits are valid in all General lots (E,F,G,H,J,L,M,N,O) 24/7, Housing lots from 7am to 6pm, and Reserved lots 5pm-6am.

Housing permits are valid in all Housing and General lots 24/7, reserved lots from 5pm to 6am

Reserved permits are valid in all General, Housing and Reserved lots 24/7.

Yes, you can purchase multiple day permits on the Parking Management Bureau website. You must print the permit out once you complete the transaction and have it clearly displayed in your vehicle.

Parking is permitted only in designated (marked) spaces only. Even though the curb is not painted red, the space is not meant as a parking area and might be considered a fire lane. It is not possible to mark every possible location that parking is not permitted. Park only in areas that are designated for vehicles.

You can purchase a daily reserved permit on the Parking Management Bureau website, at the Parking Information Booth, or in Lot A at the parking pay station.

Yes, a Sonoma State parking permit is always required when parking on campus.

Please contact Transportation & Parking Services at 707-664-4321 or or please visit the Seawolf Service Center.

Your parking permit is linked to whichever vehicle is entered into the parking system. You can update this by logging into your SSU Online Services, click on the Parking Permit tile, and updating your vehicle information.

You can purchase a daily permit on the Parking Management Bureau website, at our Parking Information booth, or at one of our parking pay stations. If you are a student, staff, or faculty, you can login to your SSU Online Services, click on the Parking Permit tile, and purchase a semester or monthly permit.

  • General parking permits are valid in lots E, F, J, G, H, L, M, N, and O lots only and are also valid in the Housing lots during the summer period. The summer period for this purpose is defined as after commencement and 1 week prior to the start of the fall semester.
  • Housing permits are valid in all General lots.
  • Reserved parking permits are valid in any Reserved lot, Housing parking lot, General parking lot, and on Juniper Lane.
  • Please refer to the campus map for further information.

Parking permits are required 24/7 for anyone parking on campus. There are 15- and 30-minute visitor parking around campus but are strictly enforced. If you plan to be here longer than the allotted time, you are subject to citation.

Parking permits are required 24/7 for anyone parking on campus. You can purchase a daily permit on the Parking Management Bureau website, at our Parking Information booth, or at one of our parking pay stations. General permits are valid in all General parking lots, and in housing lots from 7am-6pm only. Reserved permits are valid in all lots.

No, at least one hand must be on the handlebars. Even the most experienced riders cannot predict unexpected hazards that may require a quick reaction.


Yes, bicycles do have to stop at stop signs and follow all other rules of the road. If you choose to use a crosswalk with your bike, you must walk it across.