Parking Rates

Parking Fees
Parking Type 2023-2024 Rate
General Semester $135.00
Housing Semester $135.00
Reserved Semester $262.00
Motorcycle Semester $33.00
General/Housing Summer $88.00
Reserved Summer $157.00
Motorcycle Summer $25.00

General Payroll Deduction

(Administrators I, II, III, IV, E99s and Unit 11)


Reserved Payroll Deduction

(Administrators I, II, III, IV, E99s and Unit 11)


General Payroll Deduction 12 month

(Units 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & C99s)


General Payroll Deduction Academic Year

(Units 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & C99s)


General Payroll Deduction 12 month

(Unit 3)


General Payroll Deduction Academic Year

(Unit 3)

Daily General $5.00
Daily Reserved $8.00

Transportation & Parking Services encourages students, faculty and staff to consider saving money on parking by considering walking, bicycling, or mass transit. Follow these links for more information on alternate modes of transportation including Public Transit, SMART Transit, and Zipcar

Semester Parking Permit Valid Dates
Term On Sale Valid Expires
Fall 2023 08/01/2023 08/01/2023 01/22/2024
Spring 2024 12/01/2023 01/01/2024 05/25/2024
Summer 2024 05/01/2024 05/20/2024 08/18/2024