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Students, Staff/Faculty & Visitors

Semester parking permits may be purchased online only.


Semester or monthly permits can be purchased when you login through your SSU Online Services by clicking on the Parking Permits tile. Please ensure the following:

  • Verify your vehicle and shipping information is correct before proceeding to buy a parking permit.
  • After the purchase is completed, print your Temporary Permit and display it on your driver's side dashboard. Note receipts are not valid parking permits.

If you do not receive your physical permit within 10 days, contact us.

Faculty & Staff

Payroll Deduction

Employees on master payroll (not hourly-intermittent) are eligible for payroll deduction for the payment of parking fees. Monthly payroll deductions are available in 12-month or academic year payment plans. Employees can sign up for payroll deduction by bringing a photo ID to the Seawolf Service Center. Payment for the first month is due at the time of sign up in cash or check.

Semester/Monthly Permits

Semester or monthly permits can be purchased when you login through your SSU Online Services by clicking on the Parking Permits tile. Please ensure the following:

  • Verify your vehicle and shipping information is correct before proceeding to buy a parking permit.
  • After the purchase is completed, print your Temporary Permit and display it on your driver's side dashboard. Note receipts are not valid parking permits.

If you do not receive your physical permit within 10 days, contact us.


If you are not a student, staff, or faculty member, proceed to community login or purchase daily permits. You must print the permit out before arriving to campus. 

Please review a campus mapDaily parking permits or community semester parking permits can be purchased before arriving to campus. A daily parking permit is $6.00 (general parking) or $9.00 (reserved parking).

All vehicles are required to display a valid parking permit. Some visitors are eligible for a guest parking permit. Approved visitor parking must be requested by the department sponsoring the guest.


Approved visitors to the University may be eligible for guest parking. Persons eligible for include:

  • Individuals invited in an official capacity to meet with departments regarding SSU or CSU business
  • Guest speakers/lecturers
  • Individuals appointed to specific boards, committees, or other official campus bodies, as long as the individual is not a current student or employee of the campus
  • Individuals volunteering to work for campus
  • Emeritus Faculty who are holders of a valid Emeritus Parking Permit
  • Campus suppliers/vendors with contracts requiring regular service or delivery to the campus.

For the complete list of eligible visitors and further details, please refer to the University Parking Policy.

Visitor permits can be requested by completing the Guest Parking Permit Request form by logging into SSU Online Services, click on Handy Tools, and select Guest Parking Permit Request. Only employees are allowed to complete this request form.

Any events with more than 15 guests should be requested as soon as possible to ensure that the proper arrangements are made. Please note that guests attending conferences or workshops on campus may not be eligible for guest parking.

Documented campus volunteers are eligible for free non-reserved parking for the duration of their appointment. To obtain parking permits, volunteers must be documented through either Human Resources or Faculty Affairs. The volunteer must present their completed application at the Seawolf Service Center to receive a parking pass. Campus volunteers who are also faculty, staff, or students of the University are not eligible for volunteer parking.

Retired employees are eligible for free daily parking permits. Payroll and Benefits will issue a Retired Staff identification card to all retired staff deemed eligible under University policy. Retired staff can present their Retired Staff Identification card to the Parking Information Booth to receive a free daily parking permit. 

Emeritus faculty are eligible for free general parking. Passes are valid for one (1) year and must be obtained at the Seawolf Service Center by presenting the identification card provided by Faculty Affairs following the establishment of Emeritus status.

Faculty pending Emeritus status are not eligible for free parking until the process has been completed.

Faculty participating in the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) are not eligible for free parking.